Coronavirus and the Markets

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread quickly across the globe. The concerns have created a “bear market” as the S&P 500 dropped more than 20% from its highs in just over three weeks. This guide explains why it’s crucial to control the disease now, its economic impact …

Coronavirus and the Market: Don’t Make Short-Term Panic Part of Your Long-Term Investments

While there is no way to fully predict what will happen next, it’s important to remember the goals of your investment portfolios. Long-term investments face volatility, and to pursue your long-term goals, it’s vital to not overreact to one day, one week or even one month of market movement.

Answers to 3 Big Questions on Clients’ Minds

I like every part of the presentation experience. Meeting the clients is motivating. I enjoy sharing what recently happened in markets, speaking to the current situation, and educating clients about future opportunities and risks. What I enjoy most is answering clients’ questions.

What Is the Yield Curve and What Does It Tell Us?

If you’ve paid attention to market prognostications over the last year, you’ve likely heard the term “yield curve.” The yield curve has become the center of attention for explaining the economy and markets, which is why our financial advisors always seem to be answering one question: What i …

Politics and the Markets: How to Invest in Politically Challenging Times

When presenting to individual investors, what I worry about the most is offending an audience member’s political views, especially when there’s a Q&A to follow. As our political discussions grow more contentious, it’s more challenging to avoid stepping on toes.

Volatility – What to Expect and How to Act

I recently gave an annual presentation to the 401(k) participants I advise. I always try to explain risk tolerance and investing to my audience in an easily understandable way. For most of the participants, investing in their 401(k) has been their only experience investing, so their knowled …

Took Their Ball and Went Home: Staying in Play with Job-Creators

Valentine’s Day was tough on New Yorkers who hoped to benefit from the more than 20,000 new jobs from Amazon’s move there (not to mention all the additional jobs from construction and supporting the new employees).

Investment Process

As investors, we would all like to effortlessly beat the markets, buying and selling investments based on brilliant timing, instinct and a little luck. But most of us realize it’s not that easy. Download Guide

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